Properties are nominated to the National Register by the State Historic Preservation Officer of the State in which the property is located, by the Federal Preservation Officer for properties under Federal ownership or control, or by the Tribal Preservation Officer if the property is on tribal lands. Ordinarily, State nomination forms are prepared by private individuals or the staff of the State Historic Preservation Officer. These nomination forms are then submitted to a State review board, composed of professionals in the fields of American history, architectural history, architecture, prehistoric and historic archeology, and other related disciplines. The review board makes a recommendation to the State Historic Preservation Officer either to approve the nomination if, in the board's opinion, it meets the National Register criteria, or to disapprove the nomination if it does not.
Alabama |
Dr. Lee H. Warner
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
AL Historical
Comm. |
468 South Perry
Street |
Montgomery, Alabama
36130-0900 |
334-242-3184 |
Alaska |
Ms. Judith E. Bittner
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Department of Natural
Resources |
Division of Parks and
Outdoor Recreation |
550 W 7th Avenue, Suite
1310 |
Anchorage, Alaska
99501-3565 |
907-269-8721 |
[email protected] |
Samoa |
Mr. John Enright
Territorial Historic
Preservation Officer |
American Samoa Historic
Preservation Office |
American Samoa
Government |
Pago Pago, American Samoa
96799- |
684-633-2384 |
[email protected] |
Arizona |
Mr. James W. Garrison
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Office of Historic
Preservation |
Arizona State
Parks |
1300 W.
Washington |
Phoenix, Arizona
85007- |
602-542-4174 |
[email protected] |
Arkansas |
Ms. Cathryn H. Slater
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Arkansas Historic
Preservation Program |
1500 Tower
Building |
323 Center
Street |
Little Rock, Arkansas
72201- |
501-324-9880 |
[email protected] |
California |
Dr. W. Knox Mellon
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Office of Historic
Preservation |
Department of Parks and
Recreation |
P.O. Box 942896 |
Sacramento, California
94296-0001 |
916-653-6624 |
[email protected] |
Colorado |
Ms. Georgianna Contiguglia
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Colorado History
Museum |
1300 Broadway |
Denver, Colorado
80203-2137 |
303-866-3355 | |
Connecticut |
Mr. John W. Shannahan
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Connecticut Historical
Commission |
59 South Prospect
Street |
Hartford, Connecticut
06106- |
860-566-3005 |
[email protected] |
Delaware |
Mr. Daniel R. Griffith
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Division of Historical and
Cultural Affairs |
Hall Of Records |
121 Duke of York
Street |
Dover, Delaware
19901- |
302-739-5313 |
[email protected] |
District of
Columbia |
Mr. Gregory McCarthy
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Office of Policy &
Program Evaluation |
441 4th Street
NW |
Suite 920-S |
Washington, D.C.
20002- |
202-727-6979 | |
Florida |
Dr. Janet Snyder Matthews
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Division of Historical
Resources |
R.A. Gray
Building |
500 S. Bronough
Street |
Tallahassee, Florida
32399-0250 |
850-488-1480 |
[email protected] |
Georgia |
Mr. Lonice C. Barrett
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Department of Natural
Resources |
205 Butler Street,
SE. |
Atlanta, Georgia
30334- |
404-656-3500 |
[email protected] |
Guam |
Ms. Lynda B. Aguon
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Department of Parks and
Recreation |
Division of Historic
Resources |
P.O. Box 2950 |
Agana Heights, Guam
96910- |
671-475-6290 |
[email protected] |
Hawaii |
Mr. Timothy E. Johns
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Department of Land and
Natural Resources |
1151 Punchbowl
Street |
Honolulu, Hawaii
96813- |
808-587-0401 | |
Idaho |
Mr. Steve Guerber
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
State Historic Preservation
Office |
210 Main Street |
Boise, Idaho
83702-7264 |
208-334-3890 |
[email protected] |
Illinois |
Mr. William L. Wheeler
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Illinois Historic
Preservation Agency |
Preservation Services
Division |
One Old State Capitol
Plaza |
Springfield, Illinois
62701- |
217-785-9045 |
Indiana |
Mr. Larry D. Macklin
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Department of Natural
Resources |
402 W. Washington
Street |
Room W 274 |
Indianapolis, Indiana
46204- |
317-232-4020 |
[email protected] |
Iowa |
Mr. Tom Morain |
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
State Historical Society of
Iowa |
600 East Locust
Street |
Des Moines, Iowa
50319-0290 |
515-281-8837 |
[email protected] |
Kansas |
Mr. Ramon S. Powers
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Kansas State Historical
Society |
Cultural Resources
Division |
6425 Southwest 6th
Avenue |
Topeka, Kansas
66615-1099 |
785-272-8681 |
[email protected] |
Kentucky |
Mr. David Morgan
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Kentucky Heritage
Council |
300 Washington
Street |
Frankfort, Kentucky
40601- |
502-564-7005 |
[email protected] |
Louisiana |
Mrs. Gerri J. Hobdy
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Office of Cultural
Development |
P.O. Box 44247 |
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
70804- |
225-342-8160 |
[email protected] |
Maine |
Mr. Earl Shettleworth ,
Jr. |
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Maine Historic Preservation
Commission |
55 Capitol
Street |
Station 65 |
Augusta, Maine
04333-0065 |
207-287-2132 |
[email protected] |
Islands |
Mr. Joseph P. Deleon
Guerrero |
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Department of Community and
Cultural Affairs |
Northern Mariana
Islands |
Saipan, Mariana Islands
96950- |
670-664-2120 |
Islands |
Mr. Frederick deBrum
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Republic of the Marshall
Islands |
P.O. Box 1454 |
Majuro, Marshall Islands
96960- |
692-625-4642 |
[email protected] |
Maryland |
Mr. J. Rodney Little
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Department of Housing and
Community Dev. |
Peoples Resource
Center |
100 Community Place, 3rd
floor |
Crownsville, Maryland
21032-2023 |
410-514-7600 |
[email protected] |
Massachusetts |
Ms. Elsa Fitzgerald
Actg. Executive
Director |
Massachusetts Historical
Commission |
Massachusetts Archives
Facility |
220 Morrissey
Boulevard |
Boston, Massachusetts
02125- |
617-727-8470 |
[email protected] |
Michigan |
Mr. Brian D. Conway
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Bureau of Michigan
History |
Department of
State |
717 W. Allegan |
Lansing, Michigan
48918-0001 |
517-373-0511 |
[email protected] |
Minnesota |
Dr. Nina M. Archabal
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Minnesota Historical
Society |
State Historic Preservation
Office |
345 Kellogg Boulevard
West |
St. Paul, Minnesota
55102- |
651-296-2747 |
Mississippi |
Mr. Elbert Hilliard
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Mississippi Department of
Archives and History |
P.O. 571 |
Jackson, Mississippi
39205- |
601-359-6850 |
[email protected] |
Missouri |
Mr. Stephen Mahfood
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Department of Natural
Resources |
P.O. Box 176 |
Jefferson City, Missouri
65102- |
573-751-4732 |
[email protected] |
Montana |
Dr. Mark F. Baumler
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Montana Historical
Society |
1410 8th Avenue |
P.O. Box 201202 |
Helena, Montana
59620-1202 |
406-444-7715 |
[email protected] |
Nebraska |
Mr. Lawrence J. Sommer
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Nebraska State Historical
Society |
1500 R Street |
P.O. Box 82554 |
Lincoln, Nebraska
68501- |
402-471-4746 |
[email protected] |
Nevada |
Mr. Ronald M. James
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Department of Museums,
Library and Arts |
100 No. Stewart
Street |
Capitol Complex |
Carson City, Nevada
89701-4285 |
775-684-3440 |
[email protected] |
Hampshire |
Ms. Nancy C. Dutton
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Division of Historical
Resources |
P.O. Box 2043 |
Concord, New Hampshire
03302-2043 |
603-271-6435 |
[email protected] |
Jersey |
Mr. Robert C. Shinn ,
Jr. |
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
NJ Department Parks &
Forestry |
CN-404 |
Trenton, New Jersey
08625-0404 |
609-292-2885 |
Mexico |
Mr. Elmo Baca |
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Office of Cultural
Affairs |
Villa Rivera Building, 3rd
Floor |
228 E. Palace
Avenue |
Santa Fe, New Mexico
87503- |
505-827-6320 |
[email protected] |
York |
Mrs. Bernadette Castro
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Office of Parks, Recreation
and Historic Pres. |
Empire State
Plaza |
Agency Building 1, 20th
Floor |
Albany, New York
12238- |
518-474-0443 |
Carolina |
Dr. Jeffrey J. Crow
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Department of Cultural
Resources |
Division of Archives and
History |
4617 Mail Service
Center |
Raleigh, North Carolina
27699-4617 |
919-733-7305 |
[email protected] |
Dakota |
Mr. Samuel T. Wegner
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
State Historical Society of
North Dakota |
ND Heritage
Center |
612 East Boulevard
Avenue |
Bismarck, North Dakota
58505-0830 |
701-328-2666 |
[email protected] |
Ohio |
Ohio Historic Preservation
Office |
Ohio Historical
Society |
567 E. Hudson
Street |
Columbus, Ohio
43211-1030 |
614-298-2000 |
Oklahoma |
Dr. Bob L. Blackburn
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Oklahoma Historical
Society |
Wiley Post Historical
Building |
2100 N. Lincoln
Boulevard |
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
73105- |
405-521-2491 |
Oregon |
Mr. Robert L. Meinen
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Oregon Parks and Recreation
Department |
1115 Commercial Street
N.E. |
Salem, Oregon
97310-1001 |
503-378-5019 |
[email protected] |
Palau |
Ms. Victoria N. Kanai
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Ministry of Social
Services |
Division of Cultural
Affairs |
P.O. Box 100, Government of
Palau |
Koror, Palau
96940- |
680-488-2489 |
[email protected] |
Pennsylvania |
Dr. Brent D. Glass
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Hist. & Museum Comm, Bur
Historic Pres. |
Commonwealth Keystone
Building, 2nd floor |
400 North
Street |
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
17120-0093 |
717-787-2891 |
Pohnpei State
F.M. |
Dr. Rufino Mauricio
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Dept of Health, Education
& Social Affairs |
FSM National
Government |
P.O. Box PS 70 |
Palikir, Pohnpei State FM
96941- |
691-320-2343 |
[email protected] |
Rico |
Ms. Lilliane D. Lopez
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
La Fortaleza |
P.O. Box 82 |
San Juan, Puerto Rico
00901- |
787-721-3737 |
[email protected] |
Island |
Mr. Frederick C. Williamson
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Hist. Preservation and
Heritage Commission |
Old State House |
150 Benefit
Street |
Providence, Rhode Island
02903- |
401-222-2678 |
Carolina |
Dr. Rodger E. Stroup
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Department of Archives and
History |
8301 Parklane
Road |
Columbia, South Carolina
29223-4905 |
803-896-6185 |
Dakota |
Mr. Jay D. Vogt
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
South Dakota State
Historical Society |
900 Governors
Drive |
Pierre, South Dakota
57501-2217 |
605-773-3458 |
[email protected] |
Tennessee |
Mr. Milton H. Hamilton ,
Jr. |
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Department of Environment
and Conservation |
2941 Lebanon
Road |
Nashville, Tennessee
37243-0442 |
615-532-0109 |
Texas |
Mr. Lawerence Oaks
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Texas Historical
Commission |
P.O. Box 12276 |
Capitol Station |
Austin, Texas
78711-2276 |
512-463-6100 |
[email protected] |
Utah |
Mr. Max J. Evans
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Utah State Historical
Society |
300 Rio Grande |
Salt Lake City, Utah
84101- |
801-533-3551 |
[email protected] |
Vermont |
Ms. Emily Wadhams
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Agency of Commerce &
Community Dev. |
VT Division for Hist.
Preservation |
National Life Bldg., Drawer
20 |
Montpelier, Vermont
05620-0501 |
802-828-3056 |
[email protected] |
Islands |
Dean C. Plaskett, Esq.
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Dept. of Planning &
Natural Resources |
17 Kongens Gade |
Charlott Amalie |
St. Thomas, Virgin Islands
00802- |
340-776-8605 |
Virginia |
Mr. H. Alexander Wise ,
Jr. |
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Department of Historic
Resources |
2801 Kensington
Avenue |
Richmond, Virginia
23221- |
804-367-2323 |
[email protected] |
Washington |
Dr. Allyson Brooks
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Office of Archeology &
Historic Preservation |
Commerce, Trade & Econ.
Dev. |
P.O. Box 48343 |
Olympia, Washington
98504-8343 |
360-407-0765 |
[email protected] |
Virginia |
Mr. Louis Capaldini
Actg. State Historic
Preservation Officer |
Division of Culture and
History |
1900 Kanawha Boulevard
E. |
Capitol Complex |
Charleston, West Virginia
25305- |
304-558-0220 |
[email protected] |
Wisconsin |
Dr. George L. Vogt
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
State Historical
Society |
816 State
Street |
Madison, Wisconsin
53706- |
608-264-6500 |
[email protected] |
Wyoming |
Ms. Wendy Bredehoft
State Historic Preservation
Officer |
Wyoming State Historic
Preservation Office |
Dept. of State Parks &
Cultural Resources |
2301 Central Avenue, 3rd
floor |
Cheyenne, Wyoming
82002- |
307-777-7697 |